
Third-party tools

You have three options: to be right, to win, or neither of both.

You can’t be right and win. You may be the smartest person in the world, knowing everything, but you won’t win the game or make a point like this.

Winning the game involves understanding that sometimes your job is to disappear and let other forms or third-party tools pass on the information.


You Move, I Move

“You Move I Move” is another great lesson I learned from Mestre Cueca, which I am trying to pass on to my students and make a part of our culture. It is usually the first thing I explain during our team meetings. However, it is so important that it’s worth repeating.


The Aim of Argument

Odds are, the latest office debate or family squabble isn’t worth winning. Most arguments are only tangentially related to your end goal.

James Clear

Action vs Drama

If you are surrounded by a lot of drama, it’s a clear sign that you need to take action.



“God breaks open the heart again and again until it stays open”

Hazrat Inayat Khan

The whole point of doing a big project is to break your heart. It’s not a side effect, it’s the objective. Any big thing you do in your life will break your heart. And breaking the heart is not a bad thing. It’s one of the most profound teachings that we have as a human being.