
Good Habits, Bad Habits

Humans are creatures of habit. The research shows ~45% of our daily activity are habitual, performed automatically without much thought. Or as Fyodor Dostoyevsky puts it: “It seems, in fact, as though the second half of a person’s life is made up of nothing but the habits they accumulated during the first half.”


Budgeting vs Expense Tracking

Another daily habit I have been working for couple of years now is budgeting. Not the expense tracking, but budgeting.

Expense tracking is simply recording all of your spendings: writing down them everyday, going through all your accounts and receipts, etc…

It may sound boring, and you might say: “C’mon, Alex, now I should remember and write down every penny I spent?”. And probably most people don’t do it regularly, or only when times are tough. But this is a good first step to raising awareness about your finances and spendings. You can’t manage what you can’t measure. Knowing the truth about your current situation makes you closer to the financial freedom.

But this is only the first step. The next level is budgeting.


Morning Ritual

Guys, it’s exactly 50 days until I’ll be back in Thailand, and to use this time wisely, I decided to challenge myself and do a #50days50lessons challenge. In the next 50 days, I will try to share with you one lesson, one tip, or one tool that I use and which help me in my life and capoeira. Enjoy and hope it will be beneficial for you, too.