A reminder to myself.
I consider myself an intense person. Some people might say I’m crazy about capoeira. In fact, I’m crazy at whatever I do.
In the beginning, I used to think that everyone had to be like me, had to be intense. Today I know that not everyone is like me. I accept people the way they are, but they have to accept me the way I am.
A good master knows which kind of sand paper to use for the refinement. Choose an extra coarse grain, and you might destroy the material. Choose the ultra-fine grit, and you might waste time and see no improvement.
There is a fine line where you want to lead and inspire people with your characteristics, but there is a point where they cannot relate to you anymore, or you give them an excuse to think that they cannot develop to the level that you have.
“Água demais mata a planta” – too much water kills the plant.
Personal development is often not about adding but about taking out. Some teachers need to remove a lot until they become something others can relate to.